DigiAmphorae - Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education – Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World

Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education – Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World (DigiAmphorae) is an Erasmus+ project in the field of Higher Education. The DigiAmphorae project seeks to develop and provide modern open educational resources in the fields of archaeology, ancient history, cultural heritage management.
The particular subject of the project’s open educational resources is the digital documentation of Ancient Amphorae in the region of Apollonia Pontica. As a result of 50 years of intensive archaeological excavations in the region, huge collections of artifacts have been acquired, mainly from the V-III century BC. They are crucial for enhancing and strengthening the understanding of ancient trade, history, and culture. Despite being of immense relevance to the history of the Classical World in Europe, there are no educational databases for amphorae available.
For this reason, the DigiAmphorae project focuses on these ancient pottery while simultaneously employing current methodologies for the creation of educational outcomes, such as digital technology for artifact documentation, database technologeies, interactive Learning Management System, educational videos, and others.