Digital Restoration Lab - Digitization, Digital Restoration and Presentation of Old Photographs


Digital Restoration lab is a project aimed at systematizing, integrating, and disseminating modern practices for restoration, digitization, digital restoration, and exposure of antique photographs. The most valuable priority of the project is the inclusion of photographic collections in the European digital information fund. Almost all institutions (photo studios, libraries, archives, photo archives, museums, galleries, scientific institutions) need to facilitate access to their collections while simultaneously protecting the originals stored in a controlled access regime, which would reduce the risk of damage, fragility, pollution, fading of images, etc. Many institutions do not have experts specialized in the preservation of old photographs.

To achieve success in the preservation of photographic collections, it is necessary for specialists to be familiar with the characteristics of different photographic processes, which will allow the organization of the most favorable conditions for storage and use of every type of photography.

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