Cyberyouth - Strategy Framework for cyber-resilience of youth organisations

A guidance and a framework to introduce quality standards in cyber-security within youth organisations & capacity-build youth workers in deploying effective organisational strategies on cyber security and activities for and with young people.
CYBERYOUTH is a 2-years Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of Youth with main focus in online safety and cybersecurity. In an increasingly online world, cybersecurity has never been more important. Given this importance, cybersecurity is at the forefront of the European Union’s efforts to build a resilient, green and digital Europe. Building on the European Union’s ambitious cybersecurity strategy implemented in December 2020, CYBERYOUTH looks to develop a strategy to further aim at youth organisations and young people, a demographic that research has proven would highly benefit from further education in cybersecurity skills. Leading cyber-security firms explain that 3 out of 4 SMEs cannot find enough young people with cyber-security skills, and a further effort must be taken to engage and develop young people for these highly coveted positions in the labour market.
Therefore in this scenario and, through collaborative efforts with cybersecurity SMEs and youth organisations, the project CYBERYOUTH: “Non-formal education for cyber-security training & resilience of youth organisations and young people” looks to raise awareness in young people in regards to proper cyber-security practices and methods, along with opportunities in cyber professions, as well as build the capacities needed to take advantage of these opportunities through engaging non formal learning methods, such as an e-learning course and application.