About us

Студентско общество за компютърно изкуство (Student Computer Art Society) is a national non-profit, non-governmental organization. It is managing two main centers: Resource Center for Career Consulting and Professional Development ​ and Center for the Development of Computer Technologies and Arts.​

The organization is also a member and a co-founder of the National Youth Council of Bulgaria; partner of all the state institutions working on youth problems; member of Forum of Associations for International Relations (FAIR); associate member of International Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA); co-founder and manager of the Balkan youth information network. Student Computer Art Society chairman and founder: Rossen Petkov.



  • Modern media and computer arts
  • Youth information processing and delivering
  • Youth project management
  • Vocational training and career development
  •  E-learning and e-consulting
  • ICT and modern media training


More than 120 projects implemented up to now with the support of Erasmus+, Leonardo da Vinci Programme, “Youth” Programme, “PHARE” Programme, “Culture 2000” Programme, Council of Europe, European Cultural Foundation, European Youth Foundation, etc.

This new website has been developed in the beginning of 2019 by SCAS developers Rosen Petkov, Boryana Savova and Ivan-Asen Ovedenski, partially using the content from the former website. You could also visit our old website scas.acad.bg 

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